- Important Dates
- Submission Deadline
- May 30, 2023
- Notification of Acceptance
- - June 20, 2023
- Final Submission (Abstract) Deadline
- July 20, 2023
- Registration Deadline
- July 20, 2023
- Full Paper Final Submission Deadline
- December 20, 2023 (Extended)

- ICICIC2024
- September 10-13, 2024, Qinhuangdao, China
- Website link: http://www.icicconference.org/icicic2024/
- Conference Introduction
- The 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2023) will be held on August 29-31, 2023, Kumamoto, Japan. ICICIC2023 is organized by ICIC International, Tokai University, and Engineering Academy of Japan (Kyushu Branch); sponsored by Kumamoto City, Japan Tourism Agency, Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Harbin Engineering University, The University of Adelaide, and Jiangnan University; technically sponsored by Soongsil University, Pusan National University, Pukyong National University, Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute, SOFT Kyushu Chapter, Dalian Simi T&D Inc., SOGO PLANT Inc., SHIRASAGI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY Inc., JOSAIEN Kumamoto Castle Town, Grand Space SANSUI, Higo no Jinya, Hichisai Group, and KOURANTEI.
- In the past, ICICICs were held in Chongqing, China (2022, Hybrid), 2021 (online), Seoul, Korea (2019), Lianyungang, China (2018), Kurume, Japan (2017), Harbin, China (2016), Dalian, China (2015), Busan, Korea (2014), Kumamoto, Japan (2013), Shanghai, China (2012), Kitakyushu, Japan (2011), Xi’an, China (2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China (2009), Dalian, China (2008), Kumamoto, Japan (2007), and Beijing, China (2006). The aims of the conference are to enhance international academic exchanges on related topics and provide a chance for communications among academics, scientists and practitioners.
- Two Types of Submissions & Publications
All accepted papers (abstracts) will be included in the ICICIC2023 program and proceedings, and should be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
Some accepted papers (abstracts) with high quality presented at ICICIC2023 will be selected and recommended for possible publication in some international journals (either Scopus, or Ei indexed journal, subject to meeting Scopus/Ei indexing standard), after significant modifications/revisions/extensions and re-review.
- Type I: Full Paper Submission
Full paper submission should be written with title, authors’ names, affiliations, email addresses, an up to 150-words abstract, and a one-column body within 8 single-spaced pages (A4 paper, 12pt font size). The submission of a paper implies that the paper is original, has not been published or submitted under review or is not copyright-protected elsewhere.
All full paper submissions will be reviewed by experts in the field based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity.
- Type II: Extended Abstract Submission
Extended abstracts are also solicited in the conference to encourage participation from industry and other fields.
The submission should include a brief introduction of the work, research questions, methodologies and some preliminary results within 2 single-spaced pages (single column, A4 paper, 12pt font size). All extended abstracts will also be subject to blind peer review.
- Contact: Program & Steering Committee Chair
- Prof. Yan Shi
- School of Industrial and Welfare Engineering
- Tokai University
- 9-1-1, Toroku, Higashi-ku, Kumamoto 862-8652, Japan
- Tel.: 81-96-386-2666
- E-mail: icicic2023@icicconference.org
Special Sessions |
For special sessions, please note the following:
1) Session organizers are required to send recruited submissions and list to Prof. Yan Shi (Program & Steering Committee Chair) directly by E-mail (icicic2023@icicconference.org) before submission deadline, May 10;
2) If you are interested in following sessions, please contact the session organizer for details and directly send your paper to the organizer.
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS40
- Title: Bioinstrumentation, Affective Computing
and Humanware Engineering
- Organizers: Prof. Satoshi Watanabe (Nihon University, Japan) and Prof. Naruki Shirahama (NIT (KOSEN), Kitakyushu College, Japan)
- E-mails: watanabe.satoshi@nihon-u.ac.jp; naruki@kct.ac.jp
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS39
- Title: Healthcare and AI Medical Systems
- Organizers: Prof. Naomi Yagi and Prof. Syoji Kobashi (University of Hyogo, Japan)
- E-mails: naomi@ame.u-hyogo.ac.jp;
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS38
- Title: Environment and QOL (Quality of Life)
- Organizers: Prof. Takuo Nakashima, Prof. Yoichi Hirano
and Dr. Mina Adachi (Tokai University, Japan)
- E-mails: yhirano@tsc.u-tokai.ac.jp;
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS37
- Title: AI, Image Technologies and Data Science
for Multidisciplinary Applications
- Organizers: Prof. Thi Thi Zin (University of Miyazaki, Japan); Prof. Hiromitsu Hama (Osaka City University, Japan)
- E-mails: thithi@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp;
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS36
- Title: Computer Technologies for Intelligent Systems
- Organizers: Prof. Zhong Zhang (Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan); Prof. Hirotaka Takahashi (Tokyo City University, Japan)
- E-mails: t.sho.g4@it-hiroshima.ac.jp; hirotaka@tcu.ac.jp
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS35
- Title: Control and Optimization of Complex Networked Systems
- Organizers: Prof. Shuai Liu and Prof. Rongni Yang (Shandong University, China)
- E-mails: liushuai@sdu.edu.cn: rnyang@sdu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS34
- Title: Computation Intelligence
- Organizer: Prof. Olarik Surinta (Mahasarakham University, Thailand)
- E-mail: olarik.s@msu.ac.th
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS33
- Title: Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things
- Organizer: Dr. Friska Natalia (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia)
- E-mail: friska.natalia@umn.ac.id
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS32
- Title: Modeling, Control and Decision of Intelligent System
- Organizers: Prof. Degang Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China); Prof. Guoliang Zhao (Inner Mongolia University, China)
- E-mails: wangdg@dlut.edu.cn; 111982089@imu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS31
- Title: Intelligent Autonomous Control for Advanced Spacecraft
- Organizers: Prof. Ming Liu and Prof. Huayi Li (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
- E-mails: mingliu23@hit.edu.cn; lihuayi@hit.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS30
- Title: Advances on Artificial Intelligence and Control Engineering
- Organizers: Dr. Jessada Juntawongso (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand);
Dr. Auapong Yaicharoen (Gunma University, Japan & King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand); Prof. Kou Yamada (Gunma University, Japan)
- E-mails: jessada.jun@kmutt.ac.th; auapong.yai@kmutt.ac.th; yamada@gunma-u.ac.jp
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS29
- Title: Adaptive Reliable Control of Complex Systems
- Organizers: Prof. Bin Xu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China); Dr. Quan-Yong Fan (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China); Dr. Zhi-Hui Zhang (Shenyang University of Technology, China)
- E-mails: binxu@nwpu.edu.cn; fanquanyong@nwpu.edu.cn; zhangzhihui@sut.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS28
- Title: Co-creation through Digital Transformation for Solving Social Issues
- Organizers: Prof. Antonio O. N. Rene (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan); Prof. Takeshi Matsui (Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan)
- E-mails: rene@pu-toyama.ac.jp;
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS27
- Title: Control, Optimizing, and Intelligence of Robot System
- Organizers: Dr. Yina Wang (Shenyang University of Technology, China);
Dr. Guang Yang (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
- E-mails: wang.yina@sut.edu.cn;
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS26
- Title: New Development of Analysis and Synthesis of Multi-Agent Systems
- Organizers: Prof. Zhiguang Feng and Dr. Wen Xing (Harbin Engineering University, China)
- E-mails: fengzhiguang@hrbeu.edu.cn; xingwen@hrbeu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS25
- Title: Fault Estimation and Fault Tolerant Control of Switched Systems
- Organizers: Prof. Liheng Chen (Harbin Engineering University, China) and Prof. Yanzheng Zhu (Shandong University of Science and Technology, China)
- E-mails: lhchen@hrbeu.edu.cn; yanzhengzhu@sdust.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS24
- Title: Intelligent Decision-Making and Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Organizers: Prof. Mou Chen and Prof. Shuyi Shao (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
- E-mails: chenmou@nuaa.edu.cn; shaosy@nuaa.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS23
- Title: Management and Innovative Approaches in Education
- Organizer: Prof. Dian-Fu Chang (Tamkang University, Taiwan, China)
- E-mail: 140626@mail.tku.edu.tw
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS22
- Title: Control Theory and Applications
- Organizers: Dr. Huiyan Zhang and Dr. Zhiwei Guo (Chongqing Technology and Business University, China)
- E-mails: huiyanzhang@ctbu.edu.cn; zwguo@ctbu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS21
- Title: Autonomous Unmanned System and Control Theory
- Organizers: Prof. Guanghui Sun and Dr. Xiaolei Li (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
- E-mails: guanghuisun@hit.edu.cn; xiaoleili@hit.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS20
- Title: Complexity Systems and Intelligent Control
- Organizer: Prof. Jinpeng Yu (Qingdao University, China)
- E-mail: yjp1109@qdu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS17
- Title: AI Applications in Korea
- Organizer: Prof. Seok Chan Jeong (Dong-Eui University, Korea)
- E-mail: scjeong@deu.ac.kr
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS15
- Title: Sound System and Applications
- Organizer: Prof. Shunsuke Ishimitsu (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
- E-mail: ishimitu@hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS13
- Title: Intelligent Sensing and System Control
- Organizers: Prof. Fengda Zhao, Prof. Lin Wang
and Prof. Peiliang Wu (Yanshan University, China)
- E-mails: zfd@ysu.edu.cn; wlin@ysu.edu.cn; peiliangwu@ysu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS12
- Title: Intelligent Computing and Its Application
- Organizers: Prof. Li Zou and Dr. Weihua Yuan (Shandong Jianzhu University)
- E-mail: zouli20@sdjzu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS11
- Title: Communication and Control System
- Organizer: Dr. Amphawan Julsereewong (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
- E-mail: amphawan.ju@kmitl.ac.th
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS10
- Title: Smart Technology and Intelligent Data Analytics in Industry
- Organizer: Prof. Jaehun Park (Changwon National University, Korea)
- E-mail: pjh3479@changwon.ac.kr
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS09
- Title: AI-Based Fault Diagnosis and Predictive Health Management
- Organizers: Prof. Chao Zhang and Prof. Yong Zhou (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
- E-mails: caec_zc@nwpu.edu.cn; yongstar@nwpu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS05
- Title: Operations Management of Agricultural Service Platform
- Organizer: Prof. Junhu Ruan (Northwest A&F University, China)
- E-mail: rjh@nwafu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS03
- Title: Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery
- Organizers: Dr. Wentao Li (Southwest University, China);
Dr. Chao Zhang (Shanxi University, China)
- E-mails: drliwentao@swu.edu.cn; czhang@sxu.edu.cn
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS02
- Title: Intelligent Cloud Security
- Organizer: Dr. Winai Wongthai (Naresuan University, Thailand)
- E-mail: winaiw@nu.ac.th
- Session No.: ICICIC2023-SS01
- Title: Data Driven Complex System Management
- Organizer: Prof. Haiyan Wang (Southeast University, China)
- E-mail: hywang@seu.edu.cn
Workshops |
For workshops, please note the following:
1) Workshop chairs are required to send recruited submissions and list to Prof. Yan Shi (Program & Steering Committee Chair) directly by E-mail (icicic2023@icicconference.org) before submission deadline, May 10;
2) If you are interested in following workshops, please contact the workshop chair for details and directly send your paper to the chair.
- ICICIC2023-WS01: 13th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology (AEIT2023)
- Chairs: Prof. Zhen Liu (Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Japan);
Prof. Jianwei Yin (Zhejiang University, China)
- E-mail: liu_zhen@nias.ac.jp
- ICICIC2023-WS02: International Workshop on Data-Driven Intelligent Optimization for Decision Making (DIODM2023)
- Chairs: Prof. Xiangpei Hu (Dalian University of Technology, China);
Prof. Minfang Huang (North China Electric Power University, China); Prof. Lijun Sun (Dalian University of Technology, China); Dr. Yonggang Li (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- E-mail: drhxp@dlut.edu.cn
- ICICIC2023-WS03: International Workshop on Intelligence for Electrical and Energy Systems (IEES2023)
- Chairs: Prof. Dezhi Xu (Jiangnan University, China);
Prof. Jianxing Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China); Prof. Weilin Yang (Jiangnan University, China)
- E-mail: xudezhi@jiangnan.edu.cn
- ICICIC2023-WS04: Emerging Issues for Safe and Dexterous Life-Support Robot
- Chairs: Prof. Xiaojie Su (Chongqing University, China);
Prof. Wengang Ao (Chongqing Technology and Business University, China);
Dr. Zhenshan Bing (Technical University of Munich, Germany);
Dr. Rui Li (Chongqing University, China);
Dr. Shaoxin Sun (Chongqing University, China);
Dr. Huiyan Zhang (Chongqing Technology and Business University, China)
- E-mail: suxiaojie@cqu.edu.cn
- ICICIC2023-WS05: International Workshop on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) for Digital Business
- Chair: Prof. Bo Lin (Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, China)
- E-mail: linbo@gzgs.edu.cn
- ICICIC2023-WS06: International Workshop on Digital Management
- Chairs: Prof. Weiling Su, Prof. Yunfu Huo and Prof. Shouliang Zhou (Dalian University, China)
- E-mail: zhoushouliang@dlu.edu.cn
ICICIC2023 Time Table (Japan Time)
- Kumamoto City International Center
August 29, 2023 (Tuesday) |
Time |
Event (Onsite Meeting) |
14:00 – 18:00 |
Registration (4F) |
14:30 – 15:30 |
Public Lecture in Japanese (6F) |
18:30 – |
Welcome Reception (6F) |
Time |
Event (Online Meeting) |
08:30 – 10:00 |
Online PPT Presentation Testing |
10:20 – 18:00 |
Online Parallel Sessions |
August 30, 2023 (Wednesday) |
Time |
Event |
08:30 – |
Opening Ceremony and Remarks; Keynote Speeches |
13:20 – 18:00 |
Parallel Sessions (Online and Onsite) |
18:30 – |
Banquet (hotel nikko kumamoto) |
August 31, 2023 (Thursday) |
Time |
Event |
08:30 – 18:00 |
Parallel Sessions (Online and Onsite) |
18:00 – |
Farewell Party (Kumamoto Castle) |
September 1, 2023 (Friday) |
Time |
Event |
08:30 – 17:00 |
ICICIC2023 Excursion (Aso Volcano etc., Free) |
- Submission Scope
- Papers are solicited for, but not limited to:
- - Approximate reasoning
- - Artificial intelligence and expert systems
- - Big data and data science
- - Bioinformatics
- - Business process management
- - Circuit and systems
- - Clustering and data analysis
- - Complex and large scale systems
- - Computer organization
- - Control education
- - Decision support systems
- - Discrete event systems
- - Distributed computing
- - Embedded system
- - Environmental and bio-engineering
- - Evolutionary computation
- - Fault detection
- - Filtering on linear and nonlinear systems
- - Fuzzy systems and rough sets
- - Fuzzy optimization and decision making
- - Guidance and navigation systems
- - Human-machine learning
- - Human science for intelligent systems
- - Hybrid intelligent systems
- - Image and speech signal processing
- - Information theory and applications
- - Intelligent fault detection and identification
- - Intelligent information systems
- - Intelligent transportation system
- - Knowledge-based systems
- - Knowledge discovery and data mining
- - Learning systems
- - Machine learning and deep learning
- - Management science
- - Manufacturing systems
- - Networked control systems
- - Neural networks
- - Optimal, adaptive, predictive control
- - Optimization techniques
- - Power systems
- - Process mining and process analytics
- - Production management
- - Real-time systems
- - Robotics and motion control
- - Robust, fuzzy and reliable control
- - Robustness analysis
- - Signal and image processing
- - Smart manufacturing and IoT
- - Soft computing
- - System identification
- - Supervisory systems
- - Transportation control theory
- - Transportation information engineering
- - Transportation signal detection and control
- - Transportation systems
- - Web services and cloud computing
For Full Paper Submission (Word and PDF sample), each paper should be written with title, authors’ names, affiliations, email addresses, an up to 150-words abstract, and a one-column body within 8 single-spaced pages and with font size 12pt.
For Extended Abstract Submission (Word and PDF sample), each abstract should include a brief introduction of the work, research questions, methodologies and some preliminary results within 2 single-spaced pages using 12pt font size.
All submissions MUST be made on-line in PDF format only (no more than 1.5MB size) via the submission system.
- Sponsors
- ICIC International
- Tokai University
- Japan
- Engineering Academy of Japan (Kyushu Branch)
- Japan
- Kumamoto City
- Japan
- Japan Tourism Agency
- Japan
- Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau
- Japan
- Chongqing Technology and Business University
- China
- Harbin Engineering University
- China
- The University of Adelaide
- Australia
- Jiangnan University
- China
- Soongsil University
- Korea
- Pusan National University
- Korea
- Pukyong National University
- Korea
- Guangzhou College of Technology and Business
- China
- Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute
- Japan
- SOFT Kyushu Chapter
- Japan
- Dalian Simi T&D Inc.
- China
- Japan
- Japan
- JOSAIEN Kumamoto Castle Town
- Japan
- Grand Space SANSUI
- Japan
- Higo no Jinya
- Japan
- Hichisai Group
- Japan
- Japan
- Keynote Speech I
- Threat Intelligence and Active Defense for Cyber Security
- Honorary Professor Takuo Nakashima
- Tokai University, Japan
- Abstract: The talk will provide an overview of new protection scheme of cyber attacks in which threat intelligence with systematic analysis of attacks and operational intelligence have been applied by the speaker and provide meaning and concept of these methods in cyber security areas. These include classification of threat intelligence and analysis of operational intelligence structure. The talk will conclude the application of "Attribution" concept as an analysis process and "Cyber Counter Intelligence" as an active defense in new application fields.
- Biography of Professor Takuo Nakashima

Takuo Nakashima received his Ph.D. in Engineering in 2008 from the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, on performance evaluation of computer networks. He was head of the Kumamoto Campus at Tokai University as Assistant Chancellor in 2013. Since 2017, he has been Assistant Chancellor for Information Technology of Tokai University. From 2015 to 2017, he was the Director of the IPSJ Kyushu Branch. He received the 2006 IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award from IPSJ, the 2007 Shigeyoshi Matsumae Award (Academic Division) from Tokai University, and Outstanding Paper Award from the IPSJ Workshop on Multimedia Communication and Distributed Processing (DPS) in 2007 and 2009.
- He has published more than 100 conference proceedings and journal articles, many of which are in IEEE journals. His research interests include computer network performance evaluation, cyber security, and topic analysis in natural language analysis.
- He has been involved in the operation of the IPSJ’s DPS Study Group for over 20 years. From 2009 to 2014, he operated as a chairman of the International Workshop on Network Traffic Control, Analysis and Application (NTCAA). He served as Executive Director of the Japan Universities Association for Computer Education (JUCE) and was in charge of information security seminars. Since April 2023, he has been working at Secure Cycle Co., Ltd., headquartered in Kyushu.
- Keynote Speech II
- Eliminating Problematic Blood Vessels as a New Treatment Method for Chronic Joint Pain
- Dr. Yuji Okuno
- Chief Director
- Okuno Clinic, Japan
- Abstract: Many people suffer from chronic joint pain, such as shoulder pain that interrupts their daily sleep, low back pain that prevents them from enjoying playing golf, or knee pain when doing housework. However, when these people go to hospital, what they are suggested is painkillers or temporary injections, and their underlying problem still needs to be resolved.
- We have developed a new treatment option for such chronic pain that resolves the cause of chronic joint pain and have been spreading this treatment worldwide. This treatment eliminates problematic blood vessels that form at the painful site.
- When we hear the word "blood vessels", we recognize it as something essential and it sounds that is indispensable to the human body. Indeed, normal blood vessels are essential and valuable. However, two types of blood vessels can be developed in our human body: normal and problematic blood vessels, which can cause disease and inflammation. The formation of this problematic blood vessel around the joints can cause chronic low back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and other joint pain. Problematic blood vessels cause chronic pain through two effects: 1) Inflammatory cells in the blood leak from it, and 2) it allows nerves to grow around it (nerve and blood vessels can grow each other).
- In the 20-minute treatment we have developed, we use a thin, soft tube, advance it very close to the problem vessel, and administer a small particle to stop the abnormal blood flow to the problem vessels and recover the normal blood flow, thereby improving prolonged pain.
- To date, more than 15,000 people have received this treatment in Japan. In addition, it has been proven to be very safe and performed in more than 20 countries overseas, including the United States, Europe, Australia, and South America. In the United States, it was approved by the FDA in October 2021.
- In the present session, the detail of this innovative treatment option and how we developed this will be shared.
- Biography of Dr. Yuji Okuno

Yuji Okuno is a chief director of Okuno Clinic, which provides chronic pain treatments in Japan.
- He graduated from Keio University School of Medicine and received his medical license in 2006. He also entered the doctoral program at the same university in 2009 and received his PhD in pathological angiogenesis in 2012.
- He started his career as an interventional radiologist and from that experience, he had a clinical question "Why can a blood vessel with disturbed structure be formed in cancer or inflammation?" And to solve it, he focused on pathological angiogenesis when he was engaged in basic research of vascular science that he did as a graduate student researcher. From this work he found genes involved in the pathogenesis of pathological angiogenesis and he reported the results of the study to Nature Medicine in 2012 as the first author. Based on these experiences, from the viewpoint that reduction of problematic blood vessels leads to improvement of chronic inflammatory diseases, he has developed a treatment using embolization technique applying to chronic musculoskeletal disorders, such as knee osteoarthritis and frozen shoulder and reported its safety and usefulness in the world for the first time by conducting clinical research. At present, this procedure is beginning to be confirmed for safety and usefulness in third parties in other countries.
- Committees
- Advisory Committee
- Chairs
- Masaharu Mizumoto, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute, Japan
- Peng Shi, The University of Adelaide, Australia
- Shuoyu Wang, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
- Chang Seong Ko, Kyungsung University, Korea
- Xiangpei Hu, Dalian University of Technology, China
- Members
- Xinkai Chen (Japan), Feiqi Deng (China), Qinxi Dong (China)
- Hiromitsu Hama (Japan), Yoichi Hirano (Japan), Yunfu Huo (China)
- Taioun Kim (Korea), Zhen Liu (Japan), Takuo Nakashima (Japan)
- Xiangshi Ren (Japan), Shaocheng Tong (China)
- Junzo Watada (Japan), Kaiqi Zou (China)
- General Chairs
- Takeshi Yamakawa, Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute, Japan
- Dongsoo Kim, Soongsil University, Korea
- Program & Steering Committee
- Chairs
- Yan Shi, Tokai University, Japan
- Hyerim Bae, Pusan National University, Korea
- Yuxin Zhao, Harbin Engineering University, China
- Wengang Ao, Chongqing Technology and Business University, China
- Members
- Mina Adachi (Japan), Genci Capi (Japan), Angel Chang (USA)
- Tai-Woo Chang (Korea), Gyusung Cho (Korea), Nam-Wook Cho (Korea)
- Kazuto Doi (Japan), Zhiguang Feng (China), Ferry Vincenttius Ferdinand (Indonesia)
- Masaaki Fukuhara (Japan), Ping He (China), Keiichi Horio (Japan), Wonil Hwang (Korea)
- Takaaki Ishibashi (Japan), Rika Ito (Japan), Seok Chan Jeong (Korea)
- Jae-Yoon Jung (Korea), Mathiyalagan Kalidass (India), Changmuk Kang (Korea)
- Minjung Kwak (Korea), Hyuk-Jun Kwon (Korea), Mincheol Kim (Korea)
- Pyung Soo Kim (Korea), Liya Li (China), Rui Li (China), Taesoo Lim (Korea)
- Hajime Murao (Japan), Masashi Nakayama (Japan), Asako Ohno (Japan)
- Jaehyun Park (Korea), Taehyung Park (Korea), Sawai Pongswatd (Thailand)
- Arnulfo Luevanos Rojas (Mexico), Takao Sato (Japan), Dongwoo Seo (Korea)
- Junko Shibata (Japan), Noritaka Shigei (Japan), Manabu Shimakawa (Japan)
- Hiroshi Shiratsuchi (Japan), Sunghyun Sim (Korea), Lianming Sun (Japan)
- Syafaruddin (Indonesia), Hirotaka Takahashi (Japan), Masanori Takahashi (Japan)
- Masaaki Tamagawa (Japan), Joo Kooi Tan (Japan), Pyke Tin (Japan)
- Degang Wang (China), Huipo Wang (China), Winai Wongthai (Thailand)
- Wen Xing (China), Hidekazu Yanagimoto (Japan)
- Organization Committee Chairs
- Takashi Samatsu, Tokai University, Japan
- Minsoo Kim, Pukyong National University, Korea
- Xiaojie Su, Chongqing University, China
- Dezhi Xu, Jiangnan University, China
- Publicity Chairs
- Kuniaki Fujimoto, Tokai University, Japan
- Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
- Kou Yamada, Gunma University, Japan
- Jinpeng Yu, Qingdao University, China
- Rongni Yang, Shandong University, China
- Friska Natalia, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
- Amphawan Julsereewong, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- Mohammed Chadli, Université Paris-Saclay, France
- Hamid Reza Karimi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Special Session Chairs
- Jaehun Park, Changwon National University, Korea
- Zhong Zhang, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan
- Shunsuke Ishimitsu, Hiroshima City University, Japan
- Huiyan Zhang, Chongqing Technology and Business University, China
- Bo Lin, Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, China
- Dian-Fu Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan, China
- Olarik Surinta, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
- Publication Chairs
- Mitsutoshi Yahara, Tokai University, Japan
- Thi Thi Zin, University of Miyazaki, Japan
- Junhu Ruan, Northwest A&F University, China
- Outstanding Contribution Award*
- Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
- Shigeyoshi Nakajima, Osaka City University, Japan
- *Continuous participation in ICIC Events, since the 1st ICICIC, 2006
- Outstanding Team Contribution Award*
- Kuniaki Fujimoto Team, Tokai University, Japan
- Hiromitsu Hama Team, Osaka City University, Japan
- Hajime Murao Team, Kobe University, Japan
- Kou Yamada Team, Gunma University, Japan
- Zhong Zhang Team, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan
- *Continuous participation in ICIC Events, since the 1st ICICIC, 2006
- Contribution Award*
- Takuma Akiduki, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
- Dian-Fu Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan, China
- Tai-Woo Chang, Kyonggi University, Korea
- Gyusung Cho, Tongmyong University, Korea
- Tadashi Horiuchi, National Institute of Technology, Matsue College, Japan
- Wonil Hwang, Soongsil University, Korea
- Amphawan Julsereewong, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- Dongsoo Kim, Soongsil University, Korea
- Hyun-Sik Kim, Tongmyong University, Korea
- Pyung Soo Kim, Korea Polytechnic University, Korea
- Taioun Kim, Kyungsung University, Korea
- Chang Seong Ko, Kyungsung University, Korea
- Jun-ichi Kushida, Nihon Fukushi University, Japan
- Daniel Moritz Marutschke, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
- Masashi Nakayama, Hiroshima City University, Japan
- Sawai Pongswatd, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- Junhu Ruan, Northwest A&F University, China
- Takashi Samatsu, Tokai University, Japan
- Lianming Sun, The University of Kitakyushu, Japan
- Syafaruddin, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
- Masanori Takahashi, Tokai University, Japan
- Masaaki Tamagawa, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- Winai Wongthai, Naresuan University, Thailand
- Kou Yamada, Gunma University, Japan
- Toru Yukimasa, Wakato Hospital, Japan
- Zhong Zhang, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan
- *Participation for 5 consecutive years (since 2015)
- Registration
All attendees for ICICIC2023 are kindly requested to register. Please note that at least one author per paper must complete Full/Regular registration and send completed Registration Form, Abstract (Word and PDF Sample, within one page) of the paper, and Payment in JPY (Japanese Yen only) before July 20, 2023 on ICICIC2023 submission system, otherwise your paper(s) will NOT be included in ICICIC2023 Technical Proceedings.
- Registration Fees (Japanese Yen only):
Registration Type |
Amount |
Full Registration (Site Presentation): Before July 20, 2023 (Finished) (including Journal Publication Fee) |
JPY88,000 |
Full Registration (Online Presentation): Before July 20, 2023 (Finished) (including Journal Publication Fee) |
JPY68,000 |
Regular Registration (Site Presentation): Before July 20, 2023 (Finished) (without Journal Publication) |
JPY58,000 |
Regular Registration (Online Presentation): Before July 20, 2023 (Finished) (without Journal Publication) |
JPY38,000 |
Co-author Registration |
Before July 20, 2023 (Finished) |
JPY38,000 |
On Site (Cash only) |
JPY48,000 |
No-paper Registration |
Before July 20, 2023 (Finished) |
JPY58,000 |
On Site (Cash only) |
JPY68,000 |
Click Here to download Registration Form. |
1) If the same author has more than one paper accepted, his/her second (and any others) also needs to complete Full/Regular registration, for each paper respectively, at Full/Regular registration rate.
2) For no-paper registration, ICICIC2023 does not provide invitation letter.
3) All registration fees are non-refundable after July 20, 2023, basically.
- Hotel Information
- Hotel Reservation by ICICIC2023, from July 5 to July 26* (Closed), 2023.
- *Due to the limited number of rooms in hotels, reservation is made subject to room availability (The reservation will be closed immediately after rooms are fully booked) and will be on a first-come first-served basis. We cannot guarantee that these rates are lower than those you may find on other ways.
- If you would like book a hotel via ICICIC2023, please see the following and click HERE to enter the reservation interface.
- Hotel A: Kumamoto Tokyu REI Hotel
- Tel: +81-96-322-0109
- URL: https://www.tokyuhotels.co.jp/kumamoto-r/index.html
Hotel A |
Room Type and Room Rate (per night) |
Check in/Check out |
Breakfast |
To ICICIC2023 Site |
Single Room |
JPY10,450 |
15:00/10:00 |
Yes |
5 minutes |
- Hotel B: Ref Kumamoto by Vessel Hotels
- Tel: +81-96-328-7777
- URL: https://www.vessel-hotel.jp/ref/kumamoto/
Hotel B |
Room Type and Room Rate (per night) |
Check in/Check out |
Breakfast |
To ICICIC2023 Site |
Single Room |
JPY10,500 |
14:00/11:00 |
Yes |
5 minutes |
Twin Room (Full) |
JPY14,000 |
- Hotel C: &and COMFY HOTEL Kumamotojo View
- Tel: +81-96-311-7070
- URL: https://www.and-comfy.jp/kumamotojo-view/
Hotel C |
Room Type and Room Rate (per night) |
Check in/Check out |
Breakfast |
To ICICIC2023 Site |
Single Room |
JPY9,800 |
15:00/10:00 |
Yes |
10 minutes |
Twin Room (Full) |
JPY13,600 |
- Notes:
- 1. We only serve those participants who have completed their Registration with Registration Fee for ICICIC2023, or invited guests. For other attendees, please book a hotel by yourself, directly.
- 2. Credit card should be provided for Hotel Reservation (provided to ICICIC2023 only as guarantee, but please note that no show on the scheduled arrival day will be charged one night accommodation fee).
- ICICIC2023 Excursion (Free), September 1, 2023
- Excursion Reservation Deadline: August 16* (Closed), 2023
- *Since the excursion seating is limited, reservation is made subject to availability (The reservation will be closed immediately after the quantity is full) and will be on a first-come first-served basis.
- If you would like to attend Excursion, please see the following and click HERE to enter the reservation interface.
- Please note that
- 1) The excursion is free for those who have completed their Registration for ICICIC2023. The Excursion Ticket will be passed to the excursion attendees at Registration Site.
- 2) For reservation of family members, please also enter the reservation page to fill in the reservation form (ICICIC2023 Registrant's paper ID may be used in "Paper ID" item).
- Kumamoto Earthquake Museum: https://kumamotojishin-museum.com/

- KIOKU (記憶) ― Memory
- The white smoke of Aso, the pure water that springs up, and the rich sea where various creatures live, are all that nature gives us. Throughout history, our lives have been coexisting with the majestic nature that brings us various benefits. Memories of natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are also engraved in the history of activities that people and the nature of Kumamoto have intertwined.
- Those of us who experienced the Kumamoto earthquake need to pass on the memories, experiences, and lessons of the earthquake to future generations without fading. The Kumamoto Earthquake Disaster Museum KIOKU has been developed as a core base facility of the corridor-type field museum "Kumamoto Earthquake Memory Corridor" that reliably conveys the memories, experiences, and lessons learned from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake to future generations. At this museum, you can learn about the damage caused by the Kumamoto earthquake, the mechanism of its occurrence, and disaster prevention through exhibits of earthquake relics, a theater that looks back on the time, earthquake remains, and various programs. Let's think about what we can do to help people coexist with nature.
- Mt. Aso Nakadake Crater

- https://kumamoto.guide/en/spots/detail/209
- Shirakawa Spring Source

- https://kumamoto.guide/en/spots/detail/219
- Hot Spring (Hotel Greenpia Minamiaso)

- https://www.hgp-minamiaso.com/
- Visa Application
- Visa Application (for non-Japanese authors)
- If you need some document(s) to apply for the visa to come to Japan, please contact us (icicic2023@icicconference.org), before July 15, 2023 (extended), and we will issue two letters to you. One is an Invitation Letter for you, and the other one is for the Japanese Embassy in your country. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions concerning this.
- Please note that we only serve those participants who have completed ICICIC2023 Registration (Site Presentation) with Registration Fee.
- Tel: 81-96-386-2666
- E-mail: icicic2023@icicconference.org
- Memories in ICIC Academic Events, Since 2006

- 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2023)
- Onsite (Kumamoto, Japan) and Online, August 29-31, 2023
- Opening Ceremony: https://haokan.baidu.com/v?vid=4133703807617579335&pd=pcshare
- Farewell Party: https://haokan.baidu.com/v?vid=5083659340032174774&pd=pcshare
- 16th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2022)
- Onsite (Chongqing, China) and Online, September 15-16, 2022
- 15th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2021)
- Online, September 15-16, 2021
- 14th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2019)
- Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, August 26-29, 2019
- 13th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2018)
- Jiangsu Ocean University, Lianyungang, China, August 20-23, 2018
- 12th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2017)
- Kurume City, Japan, August 28-30, 2017
- 11th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2016)
- Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China, August 15-17, 2016
- 10th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2015)
- Dalian, China, August 20-22, 2015
- 9th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2014)
- Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea, June 15-18, 2014
- 8th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2013)
- Kumamoto, Japan, September 14-17, 2013
- 7th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2012)
- Shanghai, China, November 4-6, 2012
- 6th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2011)
- Kitakyushu, Japan, December 22-24, 2011
- 5th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2010)
- Chang'an University, Xi'an, China, December 20-22, 2010
- 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2009)
- Kaohsiung, Taiwan, China, December 7-9, 2009
- 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2008)
- Dalian University, Dalian, China, June 18-20, 2008
- 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2007)
- Kumamoto City International Center, Kumamoto, Japan, September 5-7, 2007
- 1st International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2006)
- Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, August 30-September 1, 2006
- Greetings from ICIC International to All the Contributors of ICICIC
- on the Occasion of Its 15th Anniversary
- This year marks the 15th anniversary of ICICIC since ICIC International first launched it in 2006. As the conference name suggests, the aims of the conference are to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer science and engineering, information sciences, automation and control. ICICIC brings together academics, scientists, and practitioners to discuss the state-of-the-art, new research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative applications relevant to the related fields, enhance international academic exchanges and collaborations, and build up professional networks.
- Looking back, some internationally recognized leading experts in related fields have shared their advanced thoughts, and many inspiring and interesting ideas have been raised, exchanged and discussed through the conferences. Ongoing friendship has been further fostered and strengthened, and successful collaborations continue, while some new connections and friendships are established and further developed. In addition, ICICIC has helped a large number of research students, early and middle career researchers grow positively and become bigger, stronger, and leaders in their fields. There is no doubt that ICICIC has become an excellent and important platform for researchers from the globe to present their research results and achievements.
- We have so many unforgettable memories in each year’s conference. To commemorate this, we have specially established a gallery to show the development of ICICIC on ICICIC2021 website. We sincerely hope you will enjoy it and we really appreciate all attendees who have shared pictures with us.
- Due to the continued pandemic of COVID-19 and travel restrictions, unfortunately it is not possible to have ICICIC2021 onsite this year. We would like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation to your loyalty, trust, and dedication to ICICIC in the past, and continued strong support in the future. Let us work together to maintain ICICIC’s high international standing and make it more success in the years to come. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you face-to-face again in future ICICIC.
- Special Sessions
- Session Title: AI, Image Technologies and Data Science for Multidisciplinary Applications
- Organizers: Prof. Thi Thi Zin (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
- Prof. Hiromitsu Hama (Osaka City University, Japan)
- E-mails: thithi@cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp; hama@ado.osaka-cu.ac.jp
- Session Title: Sound System and Applications
- Organizer: Prof. Shunsuke Ishimitsu (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
- E-mail: ishimitu@hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
- Session Title: Environment and QOL (Quality of Life)
- Organizer: Prof. Takuo Nakashima (Tokai University, Japan)
- E-mail: nt079997@tsc.u-tokai.ac.jp
- Session Title: Computer Technologies and Signal Processing
- Organizer: Prof. Zhong Zhang (Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan)
- E-mail: t.sho.g4@it-hiroshima.ac.jp
- Session Title: Communication System and Circuits
- Organizer: Dr. Amphawan Julsereewong (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
- E-mail: amphawan.ju@kmitl.ac.th
- Session Title: Applications of Computational Intelligence
- Organizers: Prof. Olarik Surinta (Mahasarakham University, Thailand)
- Prof. Kraisak Kesorn (Naresuan University, Thailand)
- E-mail: olarik.s@msu.ac.th; kraisakk@nu.ac.th
- Session Title: Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things
- Organizers: Dr. Friska Natalia (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia)
- Dr. Sud Sudirman (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom)
- E-mail: friska.natalia@umn.ac.id
- Session Title: Control System and Fault Detection
- Organizer: Prof. Xiaojie Su (Chongqing University, China)
- E-mail: suxiaojie@cqu.edu.cn
- Session Title: Information and Knowledge Management
- Organizer: Prof. Shouliang Zhou (Dalian University, China)
- E-mail: zhoushouliang@dlu.edu.cn
- Session Title: Control Theory and Applications I
- Organizer: Dr. Huiyan Zhang (Chongqing Technology and Business University, China)
- E-mail: huiyanzhang@ctbu.edu.cn
- Session Title: Control Theory and Applications II
- Organizer: Prof. Dezhi Xu (Jiangnan University, China)
- E-mail: lutxdz@126.com
- Session Title: Control Theory and Applications III
- Organizer: Prof. Jinpeng Yu (Qingdao University, China)
- E-mail: yjp1109@126.com
- Session Title: Management and Innovative Approaches in Education
- Organizer: Prof. Dian-Fu Chang (Tamkang University, Taiwan, China)
- E-mail: 140626@mail.tku.edu.tw
- Note: If you are interested in above sessions, please contact the session organizer for details directly.
- Poster Session
- G9: Intelligent Informatics and Systems
- 15:40 – 17:10, August 31, 2023, Thursday (Japan Time)
- G9-1
- ICICIC2023-037

- Spatial Econometric Analysis of Port Throughput on the Quality of Economic External Circulation Development in Hebei Province
- Huipo Wang and Xuexue Zhang (China)
- G9-2
- ICICIC2023-056

- Adaptive Finite-Time Neural Control for a Class of Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems with Unknown Virtual Control Coefficients
- Honghong Wang, Bing Chen, Chong Lin and Kai Wang (China)
- G9-3
- ICICIC2023-068

- Innovative Integral Observer Improves Disturbance Observation in Uncertain Systems: Experimental Validation in Quadrotor UAV Attitude Control
- Guoyuan Qi, Jianbing Hu, Liya Li and Kuo Li (China)
- G9-4
- ICICIC2023-SS07-02

- Improving Certified Robustness of Sensing-Reasoning Models via Lipschitz Neural Networks
- Yicong Li, Kuanjiu Zhou, Usman Arshad, Shangzhao Zhai and Mingyu Fan (China)
- G9-5
- ICICIC2023-SS19-02

- Analysis of Optimization Strategies for the Development of Hot Spring Health Tourism in Liaoning
- Yimin Zheng and Long Wei (China)
- G9-6
- ICICIC2023-SS19-06

- Identification of Factors Influencing Consumers Willing to Use on Shared Lunch Boxes
- Sili Wang and Jianjun Wang (China)
- G9-7
- ICICIC2023-SS19-14

- The Construction of Sino-Singapore FTA under CAFTA3.0 Based on the GTAP Model
- Peng Luo (China)
- G9-8
- ICICIC2023-SS19-16

- The Impact of Spot Trading Price Fluctuations of Carbon Emission Allowances on Enterprises’ Ability to Obtain Cash
- Yang Liu and Qiyue Li (China)
- G9-9
- ICICIC2023-SS23-04

- A Mediation Analysis to Detect the Effects of Post-Service Adaptation on Teacher Engagement and Job Satisfaction Using PROCESS and SEM
- Shu-Jing Wu, Peng Wang and Rong-Gen Wan (China)
- G9-10
- ICICIC2023-SS25-03

- Online Coal Anomaly Detection Method Based on Improved Random Forest Algorithm and Its Application in Thermal Power Plants
- Kaixun He and Lili Tao (China)
- G9-11
- ICICIC2023-SS26-07

- Underactuated AUV Trajectory Tracking Control for Speed Sensor Failure
- Enquan Han, Siming Yuan, Yang Li, Hao Wang, Ruichi Sun and Zesheng Jin (China)
- G9-12
- ICICIC2023-SS26-08

- Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Motion Planning for UUV Based on Minimum Jerk Algorithm
- Du Du, Siming Yuan, Tianchen Li, Zesheng Jin, Ruichi Sun and Wei Zhang (China)
- G9-13
- ICICIC2023-SS29-01

- Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Aircraft Systems Based on Off-Policy Learning
- Haowen Qin, Yucong Sun, Naizong Zhang and Quan-Yong Fan (China)
- G9-14
- ICICIC2023-SS29-02

- Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm for Fixed Wing UAV Based on DDPG
- Ruijia Yang, Bin Xu and Weixin Han (China)
- G9-15
- ICICIC2023-SS29-03

- Fault Detection of Nonlinear Systems Based on Time-Varying Thresholds and Neural Network Observer
- Mei-E Wang, Zhi-Hui Zhang and Jing Xie (China)
- G9-16
- ICICIC2023-SS29-04

- Planning of Hypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicle Penetration Trajectory
- Yuan Liu, Dong Zhang and Xiaohui Liang (China)
- G9-17
- ICICIC2023-SS31-01

- Attitude-Orbit Coupled Fault-Tolerant Control for Flexible Spacecraft without Velocity Measurement
- Ruichao Fan, Jian Chen and Ming Liu (China)
- G9-18
- ICICIC2023-SS31-02

- Fully Actuated System Theory Based Intelligent Attitude Maneuvering Control of Rigid Spacecraft
- Yuehua Liu, Ruichao Fan and Ming Liu (China)
- G9-19
- ICICIC2023-SS31-03

- Event-Triggered Based Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Control of Flexible Spacecraft Formation
- Fan Wu, Jiao Wu and Ming Liu (China)
- G9-20
- ICICIC2023-WS04-01

- Fisheye Visual Inertial Odometry for Indoor Mobile Robots Localization
- Ruping Cen and Ming Cen (China)
- G9-21
- ICICIC2023-WS04-13

- Commercial Location Model Based on Accessibility and Pythagorean Fuzzy Sets
- Zhenyu Gao, Xifeng Liu and Lidong Wang (China)